Egg – citing Eggs! The “Perfect” Fried Egg.

Why Didn't I Think of That?
March 23, 2022

Break an egg (or two) in a small bowl and set aside. Place a heaping tablespoon of bread crumbs into a 7-inch, non-stick skillet and begin to toast. Add several turns of freshly cracked pepper and two pats of butter. Cook on low heat until the butter is melted and the breadcrumbs are nice and brown.

Push the breadcrumbs to the sides making a circular opening for the egg. (It doesn’t have to be perfect!) Lower your egg into the pan, and wait a few seconds. You are looking for the white to just begin to cook.

Turn the heat to extremely low, cover the pan, and set a timer for 3 minutes. At the 2 ½ minute mark, turn the heat off but keep the pan covered. When the timer reaches 3 minutes, your egg should be the perfect combination of cooked, but with a slightly runny yolk. (And no goop!)

#eggs, #eggseggseggs, #eggrecipe, #eggrecipe, #friedeggs, #whydidntithinkofthat

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